Keeping Busy Starting Year Two (5-18-1999)

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  While visiting NYC, Jonathan got a chance
to spend time with Grandma.

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They discovered that they both like Popsicles.

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Enjoying time with cousin Molly

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Jonathan walking the aisles on the airplane.
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Jonathan entertaining us all at his
family birthday celebration dinner.
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Greeting guests at Jonathan's birthday bash held the Sunday after his birthday.

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Quite the "birdday" cake

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Let him eat cake! (and he did)
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Looking a bit tired during the party!
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Relaxing in Santa Fe, after Jonathan Birthday.
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Enjoying the warm afternoon
in the Santa Fe Plaza.
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After only a little testing Jonathan decided
that an ice cream cone is good stuff.
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Jonathan was one in thousands participating in the
"Bay to Breakers" race across San Francisco.
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Jonathan particularly enjoyed
the after race activities.

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Last Modified: 06/01/99 09:13 AM